I've been seriously slacking on blogging. I usually feel like I don't have much to say. but the big news recently is it's a GIRL!
Thats right folks it's a Baby Girl for the Thielmans! Which means I'll be getting a shit ton of hand me downs from my sister! YESSSSSSSS! I will take all the free stuff we can!
We don't have a set name yet but we're throwing some around. We seem to be liking names that start with C which is ironic because when my niece was born my sister tried to find a name with a C but ended up with an A instead.
Since the nursery has gray walls and carpet I think we're going to go with purple and grey in there.
we haven't felt her move yet, but my doctor says that's okay. She said that where my placenta is, it's acting like a bumper so we won't feel it until she gets a bit stronger.
I'm officialy 20 full weeks which means I'm halfway done. It seems weird since the first couple months were so rough and there's nothing really noticable so it doesn't mseem like I've been pregnant that long!
Things other then that have been fine. My high school reunion is next month so I'll be going to Santa Maria for that. It's the same time as the strawberry festival so YAY!
Money is super tight. I'm having to pick and choose what I can afford to pay every month which is royally screwing up my credit I'm sure. There's things we REALLY need, like a new couch and rug in the living room but it's just not going to happen anytime soon. Money super stresses me out, but hoepfully things will work out.
Once we get some stuff in the nursery I will post pics :-) For now there's just some clothes and blank walls! Time to start thinking about decorating!