Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Names, and stress and more of the same

All is well in the world of the Thielman's. I've been letting stress really bog me down and it's making be tired and cranky. Work is in full tax season swing, only a couple weeks of madness to go. I actually like this time of year, it's good to stay busy.
Brendan and I took a mini weekend vacay to San Diego. It was nice, we played at the beach, had dinner with family and hung with my best friend. I miss living in that area. There's always something to do and I love just being able to be outside and enjoy the sun and sea. Unfortunately, we can't afford to live there right now. Maybe one day.
We're pretty set on a name for our little girl. It's still weird for me to call it "her" and picture me holding her and being a parent. Not to say I don't already love her, but it's weird to think of myself as an adult sometimes.
I also felt her move for the first time this weekend. It was a very strange sensation. I can't wait until Brendan can feel it too. I know it'll be soon enough! I'm over half way done, insane!
I found this baby shower invite that I think is the cutest thing EVER
Totally in love. I love that it's classic looking Minnie. Man, I love Disneyland. I can't wait to share that with my kid.
Probably should get some sleep.