We went to the doctor today! He's a great doc, really a nice man! He said I was lucky by how she was sleeping and talked to her for a minute before his exam. Here;s her 2 month old stats:
Weight: 11 lbs 1 oz - 54th percentile
Length: 22 inches - 34th percentile
Head - 15.5 inches - 62nd percentile
So short with a big head! hahahahaa!
She needs room in that noggin for all those brains she's got!
Today I took some pics of collars, going to try to get them up on etsy soon. I've been slacking on keeping it updated, so I'd like to be better about that. And I have an online order that I'll be starting on this weekend too. Busy busy! :-)
Oh and I finished those knit booties for her outfit for Ronnie's wedding. Hopefully they still fit her in a month. I swear she has huge feet this was the 3-6 month size. Jeez la weez.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Two Months Old!
My sweet little girl is Two Months old!! It's amazing!
We are home from our trip. The rest of the time there was awesome. The Cruzin for Life dinner went fantastic. They raised $85,000 just in the live auction and cash thing. Totally AMAZING. It's really awesome to be a part of something like this, to see people caring and still able to give to help those less fortunate. It's really great.
So anyway, after the concert we went to the beach again with the dogs. It was cold and foggy but still beautiful. and more importantly we stopped at Alex's for dinner. Now, if you're ever in the Pismo Beach area and you like ribs you have to stop there. I LOVE THEIR RIBS. They're messy and sloppy and the most wonderful thing ever! Don't be fooled by the half broken neon sign and overall general hole in the wall-ness of the place. All that matters are the ribs.
Monday my mom and I drove up to Atascadero and went to the zoo. It might be the tiniest zoo ever but they actually have some cool stuff there. I really like lemurs and they have some, they have wallabies and emus and jacob sheep, a tiger a huge porcupine, red panda, monkeys and a fossa. I want a Fossa! Have you ever seen one? Look it up. It looks like a cat/weasel type thing. Really cool looking. Very sleek. Looks like it would bite the shit out of you though. Oh and the zoo has turkeys. And looking at them just really instilled in me two things 1)I just do not like birds and 2)turkey waddles and heads are seriously disgusting. It looks like their have brains on the outside. Blech, gross.
And here I am at the zoo, scraficing the baby to the lion gods AKA the water fountain at the zoo haha
And because I know you all love me in all my total randomness, I present you with these beautiful portraits of myself. Give me a back of candy corn and I just can't help myself!
I drove home Tuesday and have just been unpacking and cleaning since I got home. I really miss my parents. I had such an awesome time, I love that we can do so much when I'm up there. Hikes, the beach, the zoo, even just hanging out at home with my parents is awesome. We always have fun. I wish we could move closer. Maybe one day.
For now, it's still hot but cooling down, I think its supposed to be under 100 for a day or two this week which is exciting. We'll be heading up to Northern CA for a wedding in about a week so fingers crossed that drive goes well. Camille's 2 month appointment is on Friday so I'll have some new weight and height stats then!
We are home from our trip. The rest of the time there was awesome. The Cruzin for Life dinner went fantastic. They raised $85,000 just in the live auction and cash thing. Totally AMAZING. It's really awesome to be a part of something like this, to see people caring and still able to give to help those less fortunate. It's really great.
Sunday was another part of Cruzin for Life, this year they had a big
Concert! Lee Rocker, Dave Mason and Los Lobos!! My mom, dad, the baby
and I all went. We had really good seats that Clifford got us, but it
was too loud so we moved back and sat in the way back bleachers. My dad
has some kid headphones that he has Ava wear when she plays drums with
him so we put those on the baby! It was so cute! Look at those cheeks!! We only stayed for Lee Rocker, but she seemed to dig the Rockabiily music. I know I did! He put on a great show. Love his bass!
Speaking of music, we also figured out the Camille is a big reggae fan. Specifically UB40. She likes to be rocked to it and would calm right down. Although not so much with Bob Marley. I will admit that I am NOT much of a reggae fan, but I do happen to like UB40 so Im ok with that. I like those Brits turning crappy Niel Diamond songs into awesome ones. Ha!
So anyway, after the concert we went to the beach again with the dogs. It was cold and foggy but still beautiful. and more importantly we stopped at Alex's for dinner. Now, if you're ever in the Pismo Beach area and you like ribs you have to stop there. I LOVE THEIR RIBS. They're messy and sloppy and the most wonderful thing ever! Don't be fooled by the half broken neon sign and overall general hole in the wall-ness of the place. All that matters are the ribs.
Monday my mom and I drove up to Atascadero and went to the zoo. It might be the tiniest zoo ever but they actually have some cool stuff there. I really like lemurs and they have some, they have wallabies and emus and jacob sheep, a tiger a huge porcupine, red panda, monkeys and a fossa. I want a Fossa! Have you ever seen one? Look it up. It looks like a cat/weasel type thing. Really cool looking. Very sleek. Looks like it would bite the shit out of you though. Oh and the zoo has turkeys. And looking at them just really instilled in me two things 1)I just do not like birds and 2)turkey waddles and heads are seriously disgusting. It looks like their have brains on the outside. Blech, gross.
And here I am at the zoo, scraficing the baby to the lion gods AKA the water fountain at the zoo haha
And because I know you all love me in all my total randomness, I present you with these beautiful portraits of myself. Give me a back of candy corn and I just can't help myself!
I crack myself up!
Anyway, after the zoo a friend of mine from high school took some baby pictures. She got some really awesome ones. Of course my normally happy quiet baby decided to be a fuss bucket that afternoon but despite that, here are some awesome pics:
I drove home Tuesday and have just been unpacking and cleaning since I got home. I really miss my parents. I had such an awesome time, I love that we can do so much when I'm up there. Hikes, the beach, the zoo, even just hanging out at home with my parents is awesome. We always have fun. I wish we could move closer. Maybe one day.
For now, it's still hot but cooling down, I think its supposed to be under 100 for a day or two this week which is exciting. We'll be heading up to Northern CA for a wedding in about a week so fingers crossed that drive goes well. Camille's 2 month appointment is on Friday so I'll have some new weight and height stats then!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
First big trip!
We are in Santa Maria! Camille and I took our first long car ride to Santa Maria last Tuesday. It only took about a half hour longer than normal. We had to stop and change a diaper and let the baby get a snack :-) I'm staying at my parents house and we've just been having fun non stop! We went shopping, went to the park, the beach, San Luis Obispo and we still have a couple days! Here are some pictures of our travels so far:
Cutest Wiener Dog outfits!
Hi Grandma and Grandpa!
Kisses from Conan
First trip to Waller Park/First Picnic!
First time at the beach!
Banana Pie from Jacks in Orcutt!
Mommy scratched her nose. We both cried. But she still loves me.
Thank god for the Cookie Cookery! This place makes everything better!
Thats all for now. Have to get ready for Cruzin for Life dinner!
Cutest Wiener Dog outfits!
Hi Grandma and Grandpa!
Kisses from Conan
First trip to Waller Park/First Picnic!
First time at the beach!
Banana Pie from Jacks in Orcutt!
Mommy scratched her nose. We both cried. But she still loves me.
Thank god for the Cookie Cookery! This place makes everything better!
Thats all for now. Have to get ready for Cruzin for Life dinner!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
7 weeks
This girl is a growin'! Look at these feets!
And is definitely smiling more!
My good friend Shanyce colored my hair last week. It was in need of an update so it's a deeper red and I love it! After the color I had it cut my a Paul Mitchell stylist, they needed a curly haired model and I'm always ready to oblige :-)
We went on our first hike on Thursday! We met up with Amber up at the Morongo something or other preserve. It's up the hill a little bit and has all these trees and walkways over some marsh's. It's totally unexpected. She slept through most of it, but when she was awake she liked looking at the trees :-)
It'll be a good little first trip since in Oct we'll be going to Northern California and Detroit, both for weddings. One will be a long car trip and the other her first plane trip.
A dirty diaper is calling my name, so we'll leave you with some awesome random pics :-)
This girl is a growin'!!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Interesting Baby Information
Camille is 6 weeks old now. Time has flown by. I read lots online and in books about developmental changes and things she is doing and will be doing soon. After all this time I JUST read a question that I never even thought about.
What if your baby was born early?
Camille was born almost 2 weeks early. So is she developmentally a 6 week old or a 4 week old?
The article I read said that certain things are learned and she'll be more able to pick them up like a 6 week old but others she'll be more on par with a 4 week old.
It totally makes sense, I just never thought about it before. If she was supposed to be born 4 weeks ago but came out early then yea, I can see that some of her growth would be more on par with a younger baby. Luckily it doesn't matter much because it's only 2 weeks, but for preemies this information would probably be good to know!
Yesterday she was REALLY fussy. Like cried and fussed and couldn't be happy for more than a couple minutes. It started in the evening. We were on our way home from dinner and she fell asleep in her car seat. So I left her in there when we got home since she'd had such a hard time falling asleep. This was around 9pm. At 12, she still hadn't woken up so I went to bed and brought her and the carseat in our bedroom. She didn't wake up until 5am!! She slept for 8 hours! AMAZING! I wish I would've slept with her instead of waiting up until 12. I just kept thinking she was going to wake up anytime.
Tonight I fed her, bathed her and then read her a story. She fell asleep a little after 8pm. We'll see what time she wakes up tonight. I put her in her crib (not the co-sleeper). I'm going to bed right now so we'll see how long I get to sleep for! :-) Lucky for her she's so pretty and I don't mind her interupting my sleep so much!
What if your baby was born early?
Camille was born almost 2 weeks early. So is she developmentally a 6 week old or a 4 week old?
The article I read said that certain things are learned and she'll be more able to pick them up like a 6 week old but others she'll be more on par with a 4 week old.
It totally makes sense, I just never thought about it before. If she was supposed to be born 4 weeks ago but came out early then yea, I can see that some of her growth would be more on par with a younger baby. Luckily it doesn't matter much because it's only 2 weeks, but for preemies this information would probably be good to know!
Yesterday she was REALLY fussy. Like cried and fussed and couldn't be happy for more than a couple minutes. It started in the evening. We were on our way home from dinner and she fell asleep in her car seat. So I left her in there when we got home since she'd had such a hard time falling asleep. This was around 9pm. At 12, she still hadn't woken up so I went to bed and brought her and the carseat in our bedroom. She didn't wake up until 5am!! She slept for 8 hours! AMAZING! I wish I would've slept with her instead of waiting up until 12. I just kept thinking she was going to wake up anytime.
Tonight I fed her, bathed her and then read her a story. She fell asleep a little after 8pm. We'll see what time she wakes up tonight. I put her in her crib (not the co-sleeper). I'm going to bed right now so we'll see how long I get to sleep for! :-) Lucky for her she's so pretty and I don't mind her interupting my sleep so much!
Maternity Leave Half Over....
My heart starts pounding and my throat gets tight when I think about returning to work. It's seriously terrifying. I'm meeting with a couple ladies to watch her but it's going to be terrible to leave her. I truly hate the idea that I will be paying someone else to watch her and raise her and teach her. I would do almost anything to be able to stay home with herl
In similar news, I've been cooking more! I made lasagna a couple nights ago and garlic rosemary chicken last night! Tonight we went to a friends house for dinner and I made these delicious crescent roll deserts. So good!
My days have sort of been running together. Feed the kid, clean, eat, sleep, feed the kid, watch HGTV, feed the kid, repeat haha She's sleeping longer stretches and also staying awake longer. She looks around so much and is taking it all in. She's getting fussier. I think she's going through a bit of a growing burst so there's that. And around 6pm she gets really fussy. I heard that sometimes it happens because they are taking in soo much information that their brains get over stimulated and they're just overwhelmed. It's a bummer because it's right before I want to start making dinner and I can't put her down and even when I hold her she's only quiet for a minute before crying again. When she does finally crash out, you can just tell she's so tired. Poor little gal.
Pinterest has sucked me in. I've been looking at all their awesome DIY stuff, I want to do it all! I'm super excited that Fall stuff is out and Christmas is around the corner. I've got lots of ideas! I made a little nest egg pendant, I think I might make a couple of these, I'm sure the next ones I make will be better haha.

I've also started covering a lampshade only to realize that I didn't buy enough. Bah.

And I made a footprint tile thing. It was really easy, I might do it again and attempt to get her hand. But she'll have to be asleep because she always moves her fingers and it just doesn't turn out right!

So many crafts to do and so little time.
Doctor Who is back! HOORAY! We had some friends over and I made fish sticks and custard (actually pudding), sontaran spud potatoes and cupcakes. It was fun. Yay for awesome TV being back! I'm waiting for my shows to come back on, like Walking Dead and New Girl!
Just some random pics:
That's all for now!
In similar news, I've been cooking more! I made lasagna a couple nights ago and garlic rosemary chicken last night! Tonight we went to a friends house for dinner and I made these delicious crescent roll deserts. So good!
My days have sort of been running together. Feed the kid, clean, eat, sleep, feed the kid, watch HGTV, feed the kid, repeat haha She's sleeping longer stretches and also staying awake longer. She looks around so much and is taking it all in. She's getting fussier. I think she's going through a bit of a growing burst so there's that. And around 6pm she gets really fussy. I heard that sometimes it happens because they are taking in soo much information that their brains get over stimulated and they're just overwhelmed. It's a bummer because it's right before I want to start making dinner and I can't put her down and even when I hold her she's only quiet for a minute before crying again. When she does finally crash out, you can just tell she's so tired. Poor little gal.
Pinterest has sucked me in. I've been looking at all their awesome DIY stuff, I want to do it all! I'm super excited that Fall stuff is out and Christmas is around the corner. I've got lots of ideas! I made a little nest egg pendant, I think I might make a couple of these, I'm sure the next ones I make will be better haha.
I've also started covering a lampshade only to realize that I didn't buy enough. Bah.
And I made a footprint tile thing. It was really easy, I might do it again and attempt to get her hand. But she'll have to be asleep because she always moves her fingers and it just doesn't turn out right!
So many crafts to do and so little time.
Doctor Who is back! HOORAY! We had some friends over and I made fish sticks and custard (actually pudding), sontaran spud potatoes and cupcakes. It was fun. Yay for awesome TV being back! I'm waiting for my shows to come back on, like Walking Dead and New Girl!
Just some random pics:
That's all for now!
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