Sunday, March 31, 2013

Busy life! Happy Easter!

Man, who knew life could get so busy? I thought I knew what busy was before but boy was I mistaken. Between  tax season at work, regular life, a crawling baby, side business and school, blogging has fallen by the wayside. I truly wanted to keep up on this blog, mostly to have things written down so I would remember them. I'll try harder! :-)
Well the last time I really checked in was for my 30th birthday. Since then tax season has gotten very busy at work. I'm working most weekends to stay caught up. It's a lot of work but I actually like it. I'm always trying to learn more and I've taken on a couple projects that I'm learning from. School has been so looooooooong. I'm taking a Quickbooks class and at this stage in the game, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to learn much from it. Some of the people in the class are so lost, I'm totally amazed, I don't know how you can be that lost in such a simple program.
Camille is 8 months old now. I'm amazed how big she's getting. She's so strong, crawling around so fast! She pulls herself up to standing all the time, she's so curious about everything. A couple weeks ago she had a bad fever. it was kind of scary, 104.5. We couldn't get it down so I took her to the ER. I spent over 5 hours there on a Saturday night. It was terrible. The next day she was okay but then it started creeping up again and we couldn't get it to stay down with tylenol so I had to take her back to the ER. Different doctors, different nurses, different answers. Monday I worked a couple hours then went home to take her to our regular doctor. After two ER visits, he realized she had an ear infection on top of a bad cold and a cold in her lungs. She just finished her antibiotics and seems to be feeling better. She hasn't slept well since then though, which has been rough for us. She wakes up every couple hours. Not really upset, more like why aren't we hanging out?? So the other night after god knows how many times of being woken up, I brought her into bed with us. And she barfed on me. Not spit up but honest to goodness vomit. Then Saturday she threw up twice more and last night she threw up again too. Besides maybe being a bit fussy she doesn't seem to be too unhappy or in pain so I'm not too worried, but I really hate vomit. Ugh. It just grosses me out to no end. Bleh even thinking about it grosses me out. Next!
Today is Easter! We went out to breakfast then took a walk to the park. We just hung out on the grass for a while. It was nice, beautiful weather. We stopped byt he pool and asked about baby swimming and they have a class in May that I think we're going to sign up for. Should be pretty neat! Maybe I'll learn to swim too haha!
Life is justr trucking along for us. We've got some things coming up, such as first Disney trip in May, houseboating in Shasta in June, Comic Con in July and Camille turning one!!! It'll be here before we know it! Must start planning!
Well everyone is up from their naps so I'll get back to my family :-) Happy Easter to all!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Quick Note

Just a quick little post to go along with all the pics I just posted.
My baby girl is 8 months old today. Time is just flying by. She crawls all over the place, pulls herself up to stand every chance she gets and babbles and it starting to wave. It's amazing and wonderful.
And I am already thinking/planning/worrying about her first birthday :-) Yep, I'm totally that person. I'm torn between a Zoo Theme or a Comic Book/Super Baby theme. Hmmmmm so many possibilites

All I've got time for is pictures!

No time to write, I promise to try to blog more after tax season. For now, I'll leave you with pictures from the last two months or so: