If you were hoping for a happy, life is so amazing post, you should probably return another day. I'm cranky and negative today so that's just the way it is.
A couple things have been bothering me. Perhaps it's because I'm pregnant that I never realized how rude these were before. Saying things like "You're pregnant? You're like the 20th person I know! Must be the cool thing!" Or it's Baby Season, or it's Like Trendy to be pregnant right now!
Seriously??? Wow, thank you for making an amazingly special time in my life and turning into some reality TV sounding bid for attention. I mean really. Why yes, I decided to completely change my life because it's the "thing" to do right now! Or because EVERYONE else is doing it. Yes that's EXACTLY why I put up with broken blood vessels in my face from barfing, throwing up lettuce and rice, not fitting in any of my pants and being tired all the time. Because it's popular. Thank you people for making my pregnancy seem like nothing special. I'm not growing a freaking human right now or anything!
Okay, I will apologize for that rant. It's just something that's been bothering me lately.
In other news, I had a big disappointment from a family member recently. Without getting into names and pointing fingers, I had really hoped this person would pull through for once and do the right thing, but I should have never got my hopes up. I logically knew that, but it's still hard. It's hard when your family lets your down.
Life in the Thielman house has had it's ups and downs lately. We're starting to get the baby room ready. Getting things like carpet and paint and looking at cribs and such. Which is exciting and headache inducing all at once. Money has become my main focus in all of this. My medical bills are pushing me over the edge and it's freaking me out, which then leads to thoughts of daycare expenses which literally leave me in tears. Yes, I know it'll all work out. But not without thought and action on our part, so I stress.
Totally unrelated, I've got two knitting projects that probably should've taken one weekend each that are taking MUCH MUCH longer. Bother of them need to be finished within two weeks or so. One is a sock. I gave my mom one sock for Christmas and will give her the other for her birthday. Because I suck at knitting socks. Terrible. The other is a beanie hat for a coworker going through chemo. She's always cold so hopefully this will help. If I can finish it!
Really don't let me fool you. Obviously my life isn't all bad. My parents are coming soon to paint the baby room, because they're awesome. I've been going to the zoo mroe often, which is like my happy place. My good friend made an awesome baby blanket for Thor (the babies name until we know it's real name). My other friend has given me a ton of amazing hand knit baby stuff that is just AWESOME. I've been throwing out/donating tons of crap in our house. I re-looked at our wedding ictures the other day and realized how amazing our family and friends are. I've been watching the New Girl, which is like my new favorite show. I have a ton of books just waiting to be read. I started school and actually think I'm going to like and learn a lot from this class. And we're having a baby. I have a tiny little vomit inducing parasite inside me that I love even though I know nothing about it. It's mind boggling, this making babies business. Amazingly mind boggling.
Today was an off day, but I had to vent. Tomorrow will be better. For sure.
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