Wednesday, January 4, 2012

And so begins a new chapter for the Thielmans

We've slowly began telling our friends and family the exciting news and so I've decided to begin blogging about it. Brendan and I are having a baby! I'm currently in my 10th week and today was the first time I puked. Joy oh joy.
I've felt quesy the last couple weeks but nothing terrible. Some foods/smells just weren't working for me, so I just avoided them. The refrigerator seems to be keeping a strange smell that leads me to gag whenever I open it. But all in all, I was lucky. THen the last couple days hit. Yesterday morning hit me with some serious dry heaving, as I hadn't eaten anything yet. So I've been taking it easy on the food, trying to just eat what sounded ok and nothing too crazy. Today I had a PB and jelly sandwich around 11am, took my vitamin, then on my way back to work from going home at lunch I though rice sounded good so I went to Panda. Happily ate half my rice with a bit of soy sauce and I thought all was well. Until it hit. I had just hung up the phone when I felt it. I stood up and hussled my patooty to the bathroom and proceeded to throw up rice balls into the toilet. Pink rice balls. Did I forget to mention I tried a new water enhacer today? It was red (and quite tasty) and apparently stained my insides enough to turn my rice balls pink. So I sat on the cool tile, barfed and cried. Maybe it's just me but barfing and crying go hand in hand 100%.
I finally got up and cleaned up (Awww MAN!! Splash back on my shirt!!!!) and settled down. and the rest of the afternoon went smoothly. I'm sort of dreading dinner. But I want to eat so I want it to come too. What to eat?? I'll tell you one thing:

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