I can't even begin to describe. I drove down Thursday morning, picked up my badges and cruised the exhibitors hall. If you've ever been to the SD Convention center, this took up the ENTIRE bottom floor. Like wall to wall exhibits, booths, comics, games, oddball stuff, everything you can imagine. I saw like size Lego replicas of Gandalf, took a picture with a Michonne dummy from Walking Dead
Friday I was hoping to see Firefly. And I think Comic Con made a big mistake by not putting it in Hall H. The hall it was in was WAY too small for all the people that wanted to see it. I ALMOST got in but not quite. While waiting for Firefly I realized that I qualified as disabled so I got my disabled sticker for my badge and got in that line. That's the only reason that I ALMOST made it. Sadly I could hear the crowds screaming but didn't get to see the cast or anything. I heard it was an awesome panel though. So I stayed in that line and caught the Bones panel.
After that I hightailed it over to where Falling Skies was going to be even though I was a panel and a half early, I just didn't want to miss it. So I sat through half the Gears of War panel, which apparently is a video game, but sounded very interesting. They put a lot of work into those back stories on video games! Then was a really awesome Marvel panel that talked a lot about what they're working on now, the Avengers vs X-Men arc they've got going now, and offered advice to artists and writers that wanted to break into the biz. By then I had moved my way up to like the 7th row of the hall so I was in good shape when Falling Skies came out! It was moderated by Wil Wheaton which was hysterical. Moon Bloodgood is strikingly beautiful. Noah Wyle looks just like you think he would. He seems like a sort of serious, introverted guy. Like he kind of felt ackward being up there talking about himself. Which was sort of cute. Will Patton I think is a bit of a weird bird. He answered questions but usually with like one word or sentence. Everyone else seemed to really enjoy it and to be having fun. Got to see some sneak peaks of what's coming!!! also got a juicy tidbit of info........................ TERRY O'QUINN is joining Falling Skies!!!!!! Locke from Lost!!! Love that guy, so Super excited to see what kind of character he'll be!!
Saturday I didn't have a ticket to Comic Con so I missed out on a lot of big stuff. But I'm going to pretend that day didn't happen so I don't feel sad about it. I just hung out at Jennifer and Froy's house. Had lunch with her, did some homework, watched some TV and went to bed early. Had to be up and at 'em for Sunday!
SUNDAY! I took the earliest trolley (I parked at Qualcomm and took the trolley to the convention center) and got there around 7am. Luckily, I had my handy dandy disabled sticker still so I got in that line instead of the MASSIVE Hall H line. This guy was waiting for us:
I don't watch Supernatural at all so I totally didn't get anything that was going on. I only recognized one guy because he's English and was on Doctor Who for a couple episodes.
Then, the moment I'd been waiting for! Chris Hardwick ran out and he was the moderator for Doctor Who! Could it get any better?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! They showed some clips and then brought out Steven Moffatt, the Ponds, the Doctor and another producer/writer lady (she talked like once the whole time). It was really cool. Listening to Moffat talk about how he writes and has all this stuff in his head and how he doesn't tell the cast things until they're about to happen (or not at all). The interaction between the cast was great, they are all obviously close and told great stories, like how Matt has a stalker lady that thinks he looks like a hedgehog. Yes, a hedgehog.
This was a guy in a wheelchair that turned it into a Dalek!
And Chris Hardwick dressed up as 10 for some party last night and Matt Smith busted him:
After the Who panel got out did another exhibit floor round and then went to the turn in a ticket I got at Falling Skies and got two cool little pins and then I called it a day.
It sounds like I didn't do much, but the massive amounts of walking and standing in line take up a good chunk. My feet are pretty sore and my body isn't too happy about all the standing and sitting. But I don't care. It was WORTH IT. You can't really see the madness in this pic but here's a shot:
I'm exhausted and going to bed. Here's a couple more pics
Baby Countdown is THREE WEEKS! Stormageddon Brewing!
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