Monday the 11th, I had an ultrasound appointment. Because my mom was still in town, she got to come with me which was super cool. She's only seen pictures of ultrasounds and now she got to see the real thing, moving around in there. I made the lady double check that it's a girl and it is, thank goodness! The reason they were checking was to measure her size. Babies of gestational diabetes can tend to grow a bit more than normal so they wanted to see where she was. I was at 32 full weeks and she was measuring at a little over 33. Her head was 34.5! It's all that brain, she's a smart girl already. She weighs 4 pounds and 9 ounces. My doctor said she wasn't worried and that we'll do another ultrasound in a couple weeks to remeasure. We want to be sure she's staying like a week ahead and not growing exponentially. She also told me that I'm going to have to start having twice weekly Non Stress Tests. One with her and one with Dr. Steiger. Basically, I get strapped to monitors and whenever the baby moves, they track her heartbeat. Just making sure that it's all in normal range. I'm pretty sure I'll be doing this twice a week through the end of the pregnancy. The biggest bummer is that Dr. Steiger is in Palm Springs, so I have to take my lunch and then sick or vacation time to cover the rest since it takes 30 min to drive there and 30 min back nevermind the actual dang appointment. But hey, we do what we gotta do. It's all a-ok.
Today was our childbirth class. We had options for weekly ones but opted for the one full day get it over with one. The day started out a bit rough because we were running late and I really hate being late. So I was grumpy most of the day. The class was informative, although not much that I couldn't google and find out myself. We did watch some awesome 80's videos about birth. I even got a little teary eyes when the baby finally came out and was put on his moms chest. We did some breathing exercises, which kind of sucked because no one told us to bring pillows so we were sitting on the floor and my feet were swelling and falling asleep. But we've got the hee hee hee Whoooooo breathing down I think. They talked a lot about things for Brendan to do to help me and keep me calm and happy. Oh and we got a tour of the hospital. That was one of the main things I wanted to do. I've never visited anyone at Desert REgional so I didn't even know where the labor and delivery or maternity ward was. We cruised around, they explained where we would go and how things would work. In the labor room there was a TV and DVD player and shower and stuff for us to use while laboring. The recovery rooms were all in use so we didn't get to see those but they're not private so that kind of sucks. And that was about it! We got lots of info that we'll have to go over more at our leisure. I want to get the car seat in the car and pack the bag soon too. I've got 7 weeks to go but you never know!
I'm definitely feeling more pregnant, like peeing often and not being able to eat a lot at a time (no room in there!). The swollen feet I'm pretty much used to, even though they suck terribly. I'm tired all the time. I wish I could take naps in the afternoon. I'm more prone to want to cry. And I want to throw everything out. haha! Tomorrows plan is to clean the office more and get rid of a lot of stuff hopefully.
Oh and we got a new couch. We bought it on craigslist. We still need one more couch but at least we got rid of the pee one so hopefully B-Bop will be ok with this one and not need to mark it all the time and ruin the rug.
That's all for now. The only picture I have for you is the new stroller. It's awesome. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Stromberg! I love it! Things are starting to come together!
Awesome and you are looking Fabulous!!!
ReplyDeleteWell sweetie it sounds like you're almost there, all that's left is for that girl to make her presence. I love you and miss you guys so much